WARNING! Memory is critically low!!! Save IMMEDIATELY. Quit, allocate more memory for the program and restart. The risk of crash is imminent.
The operation could not be completed, because of insufficient memory. Save, quit, allocate more memory for the program and restart.
Sorry, HTML Pro cannot work with documents with more than 32500 characters. Please split the text in two halves, edit the files separately and then rejoin them using some other word processor.
URL of linked document
Link to anchor
Name this anchor
Link to e-mail address
Sorry, the macro name cannot contain the characters "; ^ ! < / ( - [return]" since these are interpreted in a special way in connection with menus.
Sorry, you can only have 50 macros. Remove some before adding new.
Sorry, the macro could not be saved to the macro file in the "Preferences" folder. Please make sure you are running system 7.0 or greater and that the file is not write-protected.
Sorry, the number of files in the Recent menu must be between 1 and 100.
Sorry, the size of the source text must lie between 5 and 32.
Sorry the save character's ascii must lie between 1 and 31.
Sorry, the preferences could not be saved to the prefs file in the "Preferences" folder. Please make sure you are running system 7.0 or greater and that the file is not write-protected.
You are running a system earlier than 7.0, which means several features will not be available. Macros, Recent docs, Preferences, etc…. To take full advantage of HTML Pros capabilities system 7.0 is needed.
You cannot browse for a document when using a system earlier than 7.0.
You cannot browse for a helper application when using a system earlier than 7.0.
You cannot lauch a helper application when running a system earlier than 7.0.
launching browser
You cannot lauch a browser when running a system earlier than 7.0.
There is no saved file to view with the browser. To view this file, save it, then reselect Launch Browser.
Source of
This message is only for debugging purposes! #0
Sorry, the helper application could not be launched. There is not enough memory.
Sorry, the helper application could not be launched. It requires more memory than it has been allocated.
Sorry, the helper application could not be launched. The desktop file seems to be corrupted.
Sorry, the helper application could not be launched, because it was not found.
Sorry, the helper application could not be launched. Some esotheric error have occured.